Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Best Dream Interpretation

Before you go out and buy that dream symbol dictionary, you should be aware of a few things. First off, there really isn't any universal dream symbols that apply to everyone in the same manner. People are different, with varying personalities, likes and dislikes, attractions and phobias, and of course different cultures from different parts of the world will see things differently from the way you and I see them. A couple of simple examples would be, oh, let's say a three pronged pitchfork or trident. A popular conception here in the U.S. is to equate that pitchfork with the devil. It is thus seen as a symbol of "evil". However, the actual origin of the trident is connected to Poseidon - god of the sea - of Greek mythology. Another - better - example would be the swastika symbol. I'll bet the first thought that came to your mind was Nazis, right? Understandable, especially since that symbol has become recognized around the world as definitively "evil". And yet, the swastika was originally a Hindu/Vedic/Buddhist symbol for "peace".

So, dream dictionaries may contain a few dream images or symbols that may seem accurate to you, but the majority of the book may not apply at all, or at the very least, may not be accurate enough. So, who or what is the most accurate authority on dream interpretation? The answer to that all important question is: YOU.

When you are dreaming, you are the director, the actor/s, the writer, the producer, and you are even the setting, the props, the furniture, are everything you observe in your dream world, ok? Therefore, only You can truly understand your own dreams, and yeah, sometimes we need some help with that because dreams can be quite bizarre and puzzling. Yet even the most popular dream dictionary or qualified psychologist will tell you he/she can Not conclusively tell you what your dream images mean, they can only guide you to your own personal insight. They assist you in understanding what your dream things mean to you because you are ultimately the creator of your dream world.

So, buy those books if you must, for the guidance, but always keep in mind You are the ultimate authority of your dreams.

Nitie nite.

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