Saturday, July 21, 2012

Colorado Shooting

Dear God, another psycho gunning down an innocent crowd, this time in a movie theater. It's surprising the wacko decided to tell the police he booby-trapped his apartment, if he didn't and several cops were added to the casualty list because of an explosion, there would be a cry to have that sicko strung up by his.....well, you get the idea. Actually, there may be certain people calling for that now, and I can completely understand it. But what kind of a society would we be if we all went around doing that?

For whatever it's worth, I've offered my prayers for the families who must deal directly with this horrible nightmare. I truly hope justice is served. Not revenge, justice. I realize this is easier to say than do. If it was my wife or daughter taken away by that sick monster, I might be looking for a way to get to him behind his bars so I could choke the life out of him with my bare hands. (After I release a few Muay Thai kicks across his ribs and face that is.) And many would say he deserves it -- 'Live by the Sword, Die by the Sword' or 'An Eye for an Eye', that kind of thing. But see, that's the kind of anger and hate we cannot let "him" bring out of us. If we all act as violent, then what is the point??

Am I saying he shouldn't get the death penalty? Well, first off, some states have banned the death penalty, although I believe Colorado still maintains it. My problem with the death penalty is trying to equate the punishment of murder, by murdering the murderer. If a family seeks this, aren't they actually seeking revenge?And if it's revenge they're seeking, isn't the "civilized" death penalty actually letting the sicko off easy? Wouldn't it be better for him/her to suffer for what he/she has done? I realize this can be a slippery slope. What exactly do we do, as a society, with extremely sick individuals like James Holmes, without becoming medieval in the process? I really don't know.

It's so unfortunate nobody saw this coming. 6000 rounds of ammo bought over the internet and this didn't set off any red flags?? And so now what should we all expect? Metal detectors at theaters? Can you imagine "TSA"-like security, body searching you -- and your children --  before you enter to see a movie?? And what will follow that? Body scans at grocery stores? Cavity searches before entering church? Urine and blood samples taken before entering a library? Next, we'll all have to "show our papers" before traveling to another state! Exaggerated for a laugh? Yes, of course. Impossible to ever occur? Maybe not. Familiarize yourself with "Problem-Reaction-Solution" dear readers.

I wonder if James Holmes would have thought twice about his sick cowardly act against an unarmed crowd, if he knew everyone in the audience also carried a gun?

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