Sunday, December 8, 2024



The epic tale of the demigod Teiwaz has begun!

Teiwaz Lives! Issue #1 AND Issue #2 Teiwaz Lives!: The Fall Of Caelus! Are both....


And Issue # 3 - Teiwaz Lives! Confrontation! Is almost complete!

The wait is over, the first two issues of the epic story of Teiwaz are now available from, see the links below. Or get all the details at our new and improved website or Teiwaz Lives! And More!

        Issue #1 Teiwaz Lives!                                                 Issue #2 Teiwaz Lives! Fall of Caelus

AND THERE'S MORE! Now you can get the Teiwaz Lives! cover design or just the cool title on a holographic sticker, phone cases, hoodies, T shirts, back packs, coffee mugs, notebooks, etc...







Want to see what else is available? Just choose which design you like from the following links:

Teiwaz Lives! Issue #1 Cover Design                   Teiwaz Lives! Title Logo

There are also MANY other different colorful and unique designs and patterns by John Pagan you may like, don't hesitate to see for yourself :) 

Just click this link and scroll down when it opens: I'll Take a Look

Thanks for stopping by and we hope to see you again soon!

Monday, May 17, 2021

Much Ado About Nothing - This Sucks.


So what happened to the 11:11 movie and the Teiwaz graphic novel? The Facebook page also looks kinda' dead too, what's going on with that?

For anyone who may still be following this, or to you - dear reader who just happened to read this - I'm John Pagan and I have been working on a graphic novel for several years now. It's called Teiwaz or maybe Teiwaz Lives, and it's taking forever to complete because I am working on it by myself and can't afford to pay for an assistant to help me finish it. It is 110 pages at this time, and will be another 30 to 40 pages to complete it. (To complete Part One, that is.)

And then there is the movie that was to be made from one of the short stories in my novella 11:11 Phenomena. (For all the background info scroll around this page or use this: )

I have two scripts for 11:11 still sitting on a shelf. My friend has since given up on the movie idea - thanks to Covid - and it turns out she was most likely not qualified nor connected enough to help produce the movie in the first place. I had told my wife this on several occasions, but we didn't want to give up hope. Well, now it will be up to me to decide what to do with the script, and as of this moment, I am not optimistic. Which leads us to the Facebook page. The disappointment, the delays, Covid, and some laziness, has lead to a lack of activity with the Facebook page.

All of the aforementioned is not dead, but appears to be on life support. My main computer for working on Teiwaz is in the shop, for a second time, and I am currently awaiting the diagnosis. I have a backup laptop I can use, but it just feels awkward.

To any family or friends that may still follow me, or to anyone who reads this and is interested in me or my work, I want to thank you so much. Thank you for your patience and your interest and I hope you won't completely give up on me yet, because I haven't given up completely yet. Teiwaz will be completed if I live long enough, the Facebook page will begin to have more updates (maybe - I'm not a fan of Facebook) and hopefully the 11:11 script may be sold soon, we shall see.

Thanks again for reading this, God bless, and we'll post again soon.

-- John

Saturday, August 24, 2019

11:11 Phenomena Movie - John Pagan's Unicorn

So, what's going on with this movie that is supposed to be from the 11:11 Phenomena novella? Am I just making it all up for attention? Or is something real happening?

I am in a fairly unique position. I'll explain exactly what that means, but first, let me tell you something before I get to that. Just about every author would love to have their work go "mainstream", and see their book/s in bookstores. I dare you to find a author who doesn't want to be successful. It would be equivalent to finding a unicorn. Well, it is equally difficult for an unknown author to not only sell his work to a major publisher, but to also receive an offer to make his book into a movie. It's almost up there with winning the lottery.

My unique position is, one of those two things has happened. At the time of this writing, I don't have an agent yet, and I am basically still an unknown author. And yet, there is the possibility - not a guarantee - that a movie will be made based on one of the short stories from my 11:11 Phenomena novelette. So, how did this happen?


About May 8th, 2019, I received a message from a past co-worker who wanted to make an indie movie about Aaron Hernandez, and she wanted me to be the writer. She chose me because she had a copy of my novel Fury in the Garden: Dream Version, and thought I could write the screenplay/book  about him. She assumed I could easily write the script or screenplay.

I was apprehensive about the whole idea, and didn't think I would agree to become involved for three main reasons: 1.) I had no idea who Aaron Hernandez was. 2.) I thought being an unknown author might hinder any credibility with her project. And 3.) I didn't think she had enough connections to enter the movie making world. I laid out my concerns to her, (via text messages, which she preferred over direct phone conversations) but, she was adamant and determined to begin.

To her credit, she was already in touch with and knew a few people in the industry. For instance, she had the interest of producer/director sisters Caryn and Cara Lawson, who were then in Chicago creating something for HBO while working with Mark Gordon - well known TV and film producer. She had a cinematographer and friend who filmed her daughter in a couple of Subway commercials, she had a entertainment lawyer, was looking for a good director, and was planning on flying us to Connecticut to begin interviewing the family of Mr. Hernandez. I reluctantly decided to give it a try.

Prior to beginning my research on Aaron Hernandez, I contacted my brother, rightly assuming he would know something about the guy. One of the things my brother mentioned was his assumption that there must have been books and/or movies about Aaron already produced or in the works. I sort of dismissed the idea, asking him, "Well, have you seen any?" Then almost two weeks later, I receive a message from my friend telling me that the producer sisters had a change of heart. My friend shared a part of the message where they told her there were already other Aaron Hernandez projects in the works that were better funded. One of them being based on the "official" book about his life, and even then it was fraught with problems, including how the Hernandez family was "blocking" things and there were "death threats" involved. The message, which I believe was from Cara Lawson, went on to say that she and her sister did not have "enough experience to go up against these people or be in competition with a film with a ton more resources."


I had to agree with the Lawson sisters - and my brother. But my friend however, well, she thought it might still be possible and didn't want to give up on her idea. I mentioned the possibility of maybe making a movie based off of one of my books, but she remained fixated on Aaron Hernandez.

Then seven days later, she sent a message asking, "Which book did you want to make a screenplay? Fury in the Garden?" That's when I suggested 11:11 Phenomena, because Fury would need a big budget for the special effects that would be required to make it work as a movie. I quickly sent her a copy and she soon chose one, of the four stories, she wanted to make into film. A script is currently in the works.

So, at this time, she is seeking a director and is reaching high for the likes of Christopher Nolan. I have some serious doubts about that one, but she remains optimistic. She has planned a second meeting with me in September to sign a film rights contract and will ask her friend Cheryl Burton - anchorwoman of Channel Seven News - to join us. Ms. Burton has a signed copy of 11:11 Phenomena, and hopefully has had the time to read it.


As I mentioned previously, there is no guarantee that this project will lead to the actual production of the low budget indie movie we hope for. Even when books or screenplays/scripts are professionally Optioned by major studios, it is still no certainty that they will follow through on creating a movie from it. More often than not, it does not happen even for most well known authors in this saturated market. Thus, my friend and the "possibility" of seeing my writing come to life on film is my Unicorn, a fantasy creature that can vanish at any time. But, if it gets the green light, you will all be the first to know. :)

For now, I will remain realistic but hopeful.

Thanks for reading this.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Once Again - Do We All Live In The Matrix?

Does one have to be a Sci-Fi geek to post this article? Apparently, "Many of the world's richest and most powerful people, including Elon Musk and Bank of America, think that we live in a simulation of the real world."

Hmmm, very interesting.

What do You think? Here's the link.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Bruce Lee Artwork Featured - Original Jeet Kune Do Quarterly!

My artwork was recently featured on the cover of Original Jeet Kune Do Quarterly!

This colorful magazine by Sifu Lamar Davis, contains up-to-date and very interesting articles and great photos. Even non-Jeet Kune Do enthusiast, will find and or learn something new or useful in this great magazine. Just use the link below for your copy!

If nothing else appeals, you could still frame the artwork. :)

Monday, September 18, 2017

Apple’s Face ID Will Lead To ‘Totalitarian New World Order’

Jim Carrey, has become a more interesting individual lately. Some say his outlandish remarks to a recent interview - which you may have already seen but there is an interesting link I am leaving for you below anyway, you're welcome - indicates depression, or a mental breakdown. While others believe he has become enlightened or "Woke".

And now Apple's Face ID is a cause for concern, according to the long time funnyman (who appears to be quite serious about his existential awakening). Personally, I am quickly losing all interest in Apple's iPhones and this latest face reading thing just doesn't impress and does seem a bit creepy. To get an idea of what I mean here, check out the links below. While you do that, I'm going to see if I can find my copy of George Orwell's 1984.



Jim Carrey's Interviews By WT (Whats Trending)

iPhone Face ID/Jim Carrey Article By Baxter Dmitry via Your News Wire:

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Bruce Lee in the UFC - A What If Article (2008)

Hello, this is an article I wrote in 2008, re-posted here.
Enjoy. :)

Bruce Lee In The UFC
By John Pagan  |   Submitted On May 22, 2008

Thanks to YouTube, I can get a quick dose of motivation to either train or head for the work out equipment, from a short video clip of Bruce Lee. Although the results can fluctuate by the minute, entering Lee's name produces 31,900 video clips to view. This is currently more than any other martial art movie star. However, with the thousands upon thousands of video clips of different topics available, each one also allows viewers to post their comments and herein lies the intrigue.

The majority of the comments for Lee's clips appear to be positive and praising, seemingly from new admirers who were not even a thought in their parent's young adolescent minds yet when the "Little Dragon" was alive and (literally) kicking. Then, of course, there are those comments from the insecure martial art "experts", internet tough guys, who go out of their way to view Bruce Lee video clips in order to leave ignorantly rude and immature comments. I believe we are all entitled to our own opinions, which is why I am mainly referring to the comments that would normally entail censorship. Some of the more mild statements however, are the assertions that Bruce Lee was: "Over rated", "fake", "just a Hollywood actor", "gay", or that he was not a "real fighter" because he never competed in tournaments.

The comments led to comparisons of UFC fighters and that led to the opinion that Lee would have been "destroyed" if he fought in the UFC octagon. They believe because Jet Li admitted he would have been "killed" if he actually fought in the octagon, as depicted in his film Cradle to the Grave, then it must surely apply to Bruce Lee as well.

Now, I'll be the first to admit there are many Bruce Lee fans that think Lee was the totally invincible fighter who could not be beaten by anyone, based on his movies. Although those who knew him state he could actually do many of the things he did in his films, true fans would enlighten themselves to realize Lee meticulously choreographed those fight scenes, therefore he naturally dominates all of his opponents in his films. I believe Lee Jun Fan (Bruce Lee's birth name) and his performance in a UFC match should be viewed as realistically as possible without movie fantasy.

First, it should be cleared up that Lee was not an unbeatable, invincible fighter. Ed Parker Jr., son of the late Kenpo karate master, revealed an incident that most Lee fans may not be aware of. While a young Bruce Lee was still filming episodes of the Green Hornet, Gene LeBell managed to get him into a hold that he could not get out of. Supposedly, this incident prompted Lee to begin learning the grappling arts in earnest. I'm sure many will immediately imagine Royce Gracie quickly taking Lee down, easily putting him into a armbar and forcing him to tap out. At this point, it is a plausible scenario.

Indeed, it is difficult to picture a man, 5' 7 ½ ", approximately 138lbs, with a muscular yet slender build, stepping into the octagon cage where his opponent, 6' 2", 228lbs, with a thick heavily muscular build, stands waiting (and possibly growling). By most accounts, the outcome may seem painfully predictable, yet anyone with any wisdom realizes the outcome actually depends on the man in question.

"To me, totality is very important (...) Many styles claim (...) they can cope with all types of attacks (...) if this is true, then how did all the different styles come about?"
-Bruce Lee

Not since Mike Anderson introduced the World Full-Contact Karate Championship in 1974, has a martial art event been as popular as the UFC; and dedicated fans know there have been many matches where a larger, more muscular man has been defeated, even knocked out, by a smaller or less muscular opponent who had better fighting skill. I've witnessed this myself. Was Lee skilled enough to pull that off in the UFC? Those who knew, trained and sparred with him equated Bruce Lee with exceptional skill.

"For his size and weight, Bruce was one of the strongest people-pound for pound-I have ever met. I think he could have beaten a lot of people much heavier and much stronger than he was. He would have done extremely well in competition (...) He was that skillful."
- Mike Stone

"...It was obvious that he possessed qualities which were exceptional...In my opinion, his caliber of talent was one in two billion."
- Ed Parker

"I don't know how Bruce did it. He moved in so fast, before you could even get set."
- Jhoon Rhee

"Bruce asked me to spar with him. I couldn't touch him. Every time I tried to move, bang, I was the one being hit! He was very light on his feet, very deceptive and evasive."
- Larry Hartsell

"I don't think there was anyone in Hong Kong who could have nailed him with a punch."
- Joe Lewis

Lee's ideology has also been effectively proven several times, in non-contact and full-contact kickboxing competition, by Joe Lewis. Okay, so Lee could hit fast and hard, the Gracies proved jujitsu grappling is a major key to victory in the octagon. How would Bruce Lee have handled that? Those who know anything about Bruce Lee's realistic approach to combat are aware he had over 33 grappling maneuvers in his repertoire. In other words, he was also skilled on the ground, perhaps due to the Gene LeBell incident.

"He (Lee) was very good friends with Wally Jay, Gene LeBell and Hayward Nishioka. It's a fact that Bruce learned a lot of grappling from these men."
- Larry Hartsell

"...One minute he (Lee) could look like any kicking system and at middle range, he could explode like a savage street-fighter or a western boxer. And when he got in tight, it looked like Wing Chun. And then when he'd go to the ground, it looked like jujutsu. He was a good grappler also. Despite his lightweight, he was very quick. I think he probably received training from various (...) people and (...) from Gene LeBell (...) and he probably learned a lot of jujutsu from maybe Wally Jay."
- Dan Inosanto

Lee's personal approach to combat, popularly known as Jeet Kune Do, has also been called "scientific or sophisticated street-fighting". Doesn't that sound like something suited for UFC competition? It may seem that "Jeet Kune Do" stylists have entered the octagon cage before and were soundly defeated by Royce Gracie. If you are having trouble recalling their names, so am I. While they may have been tough fighters, it is doubtful they were truly qualified to represent Jeet Kune Do. Of course, even the most qualified are still not the iconoclastic Bruce Lee. It would be similar to saying that when a boxer trained by Muhammad Ali loses a match, it means Ali was not really a great boxer. Thus, it should be evident now the belief that Lee's quick demise in the UFC cannot be so cut and dry predictable.

"Size is never a true indication of muscular power and efficiency. The smaller man usually makes up for the imbalance of power by his greater agility, flexibility, speed of foot and nervous action. (...) once you go into action and grapple with an opponent (...) keep moving faster than he and pay absolutely no attention to his size, fierce facial contortions, or his vicious language. (...) attack your opponent at his weakest points, which are mainly gravitational, throwing him off balance, and applying leverage principles so that his body, and the limbs of his body, are used toward his own defeat. 'The bigger they are, the harder they fall.'"
- Bruce Lee

Some of the comments of the internet tough guys pertain to Bruce Lee as a "fighter". Did Bruce Lee have any "real" fighting experience? In The Legendary Bruce Lee by the editors of Black Belt magazine, M. Uyehara's article; Bruce Lee The Man, The Fighter, The Superstar, reveals Lee's gang-banger background where his gang carried chains, pen-knives and razor blades attached to their shoes, in "a city of ghettos" where no-holds-barred rooftop matches were the norm.

"He had quite a few fights. A lot of people were jealous of him. Most of his fights were for real."
- Larry Hartsell

Linda Lee, Bruce Lee's wife, tells of the challenge made by a kung fu expert in her book The Bruce Lee Story. Pregnant at the time, she watched as Lee not only accepted the challenge to fight, he threw down the gauntlet demanding nothing less than an all out fight with no rules. "In less than a minute" Lee achieved the upper hand and was soon chasing his opponent, repeatedly punching the back of his head. About another minute later, Lee finally took his opponent down and forced a submission from him. Years later, the challenges would continue...

"...He told Bruce that he was a phony, that he was just a "movie" karate man, and that he really wasn't a good martial artist. (...) The kid jumped down and really started trying to take Bruce out. This kid was good. He was no punk. He was strong and fast (...) But Bruce just methodically took him apart. He slammed the kid into a rock wall and trapped him. He bloodied his mouth...and rammed him into that wall about three more times just to show he could have him against that wall any time he wanted." - Bob Wall
(Recounting an actual fight with an extra, occurring on the set of Enter the Dragon.)

Let's re-look at the aforementioned scenario of Lee facing off against a highly skilled grappler like Royce Gracie. Let's remove the rules of the UFC and put them into actual combat. Could a lightning fast finger-jab from Lee be the determining factor of the outcome?

"His finger-jab (...) was in your face before you knew it. He studied body motion and the physical signs that developed before any action actually began. He could notice the small clues and react to them thereby intercepting your motion."
- Bob Bremer

It's almost creepy to realize Lee could thrust his fingers through unopened steel cans of Coca-Cola, at a time before cans were made of the thinner aluminum metal. But considering Lee's other documented physical feats supported by reliable sources, it all sort of makes the quick finger-jab a little less creepy, relatively speaking. For instance, his striking speed from three feet away with his hands down by his side reached five hundredths of a second. That's about as long as it takes for you to blink. He could perform push-ups using only his thumbs and he could snatch a dime off a person's open palm before they could close it, and leave a penny behind. He could also hold an elevated v-sit position for long durations, and something many body-builders have difficulty with; from a standing position he could hold a 75lb barbell straight out in front of him. To amaze visitors, he would thump the ceiling with a 300-lb (136 kg) bag with a thrusting side kick.

It remains an intriguing "What if?" speculation, the iconoclastic founder of "sophisticated street-fighting" competing in the UFC. Unfortunately, it is something we will never see nor predict with absolute certainty. However, one thing is certain; the "Little Dragon's" passing in 1973 has left a great legacy that continues to influence the martial arts to this very day.

"It's a shame a great martial artist like Bruce had to leave us so soon, but I feel he accomplished more in his lifetime than most people will accomplish in 70 or 80 years, so I don't feel that he was really short changed. (...) It is not how long you live, but what you accomplish while you are living. (...) I think he lived a full life."
- Chuck Norris

9/17/2017 - NEW LINKS ADDED:

Size Does Not Matter -

When David Beats Goliath -

Original Links:

Article Source:

Article Source:

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Birth of Wong Jack Man aka The Birth of the Dragon

How do you use Bruce Lee to make an anti-Bruce Lee movie? When I first saw the previews of Birth of the Dragon, I was planning to be the first one in line for it. A brand new movie about Bruce Lee? Hell yeah! But after watching those clips a few times, I began thinking, 'Well, they're really making Bruce seem kinda cocky in this one.  How little did I know.

A couple of days ago I went to see it with my daughter. The first opening scene of the movie starts with Wong Jack Man, he is portrayed as a "Shaolin Monk" competing against an opponent during a demonstration bout.

Immediately we are given the stark contrast between Wong's bright and colorful opening training
scene and Bruce Lee's dark and gritty opening training scene. As the story continues, it becomes increasingly clear that Bruce is being portrayed as the bad guy. It's true Bruce was boastful and cocky - as his family, friends, students, and biographers attest - but this film version of Bruce truly lays it on pretty thick. He is the completely disrespectful asshole, and Wong is the very honorable and wise Shaolin Monk - in reality, he was not an actual Shaolin Monk.

Wong is portrayed as being so deadly, he not only almost kills his opponent during the opening demonstration bout with a jumping kick, he also could have used that particular kick on Bruce towards the end of their fight, but chose not to, because he's wiser than the hot headed Bruce. It's actually the second time he chooses to hold back a deadly blow, the first being after he gets Bruce into a somewhat devious headlock. This film's dramatic fight scene does not leave room for any speculation, or debate about who may have actually won. It doesn't merely suggest Wong Jack Man was superior, it screams it. It turns out there was a good reason for this bait and switch.

Many months prior to watching this movie, I read an article about the Wong Jack Man version of the fight, and as the battle between them began in the film, I knew the producers were following that particular version. (Bruce's opening finger jab that leaves a scratch above Wong's eye and initiates the fight.) I later learned from a Facebook friend that the consultant of this movie was none other than Wong Jack Man himself.

No one from the Bruce Lee camp was consulted, and Lee's own daughter, actress and CEO of Bruce Lee Enterprises, Shannon Lee, refers to the George Nolfi directed flick as a "travesty". In an article from ASAM News, she states, "I share your concerns and want to make it clear that Birth of the Dragon was made without my family’s consent or involvement. I have seen the film (out of necessity alone) and, in my opinion and the opinions of many (see link), this film is a travesty on many levels. I think this film is a step backward for Asians in film not to mention that the portrayal of Bruce Lee is inaccurate and insulting. I am disappointed that such a project would be funded and produced." Thankfully, Shannon Lee is currently working on "the definitive Bruce Lee biopic" and I for one hope she brings us something exciting to celebrate. See the link below for the ASAM News article.

In fairness, Shannon's article may be referring to the original version of Birth, which was quickly edited after its initial screening to include more Lee and less "Steve" - the Caucasian actor Billy Magnussen. Early rumors were Steve's character was supposed to represent the late Steve McQueen who was a student of Bruce Lee. However, even with Steve moved into the backseat, Wong Jack Man still drives this vehicle and Bruce is the secondary passenger.

It was the fight scenes, including the main battle, that made this experience tolerable. I thought they were interesting and entertaining. For instance, the sight of Bruce and Wong taking on the Chinese mafia was a fun fantasy to watch - Bruce actually uses his 1 inch punch on one of the thugs.

But ultimately the overall portrayal of Bruce Lee's character is the biggest disappointment. Don't advertise Bruce Lee and then give us Wong Jack Man. Those who decided to watch this movie didn't do so because they wanted to see Wong as the hero and Bruce Lee as the villain. Utilizing only Wong as the main consultant removed any and all balanced debate about what may have actually occurred. Perhaps this film would have performed better at the box office if it was titled, "Wong Jack Man Battles" or "WJM v BL". Or maybe, the title is correct, and Wong is the "Dragon" being referred to?

For more info please use the links below.

Linda Lee - the wife of Bruce Lee - was pregnant with Brandon at the time she witnessed the fight between Wong and Bruce Lee. Here is her version of what actually occurred. Enjoy!:
 Bruce Lee Vs Wong Jack Man

Leo Fong Discusses the fight and the movie Birth of the Dragon:

A bit more balanced take on the fight: