Monday, May 17, 2021

Much Ado About Nothing - This Sucks.


So what happened to the 11:11 movie and the Teiwaz graphic novel? The Facebook page also looks kinda' dead too, what's going on with that?

For anyone who may still be following this, or to you - dear reader who just happened to read this - I'm John Pagan and I have been working on a graphic novel for several years now. It's called Teiwaz or maybe Teiwaz Lives, and it's taking forever to complete because I am working on it by myself and can't afford to pay for an assistant to help me finish it. It is 110 pages at this time, and will be another 30 to 40 pages to complete it. (To complete Part One, that is.)

And then there is the movie that was to be made from one of the short stories in my novella 11:11 Phenomena. (For all the background info scroll around this page or use this: )

I have two scripts for 11:11 still sitting on a shelf. My friend has since given up on the movie idea - thanks to Covid - and it turns out she was most likely not qualified nor connected enough to help produce the movie in the first place. I had told my wife this on several occasions, but we didn't want to give up hope. Well, now it will be up to me to decide what to do with the script, and as of this moment, I am not optimistic. Which leads us to the Facebook page. The disappointment, the delays, Covid, and some laziness, has lead to a lack of activity with the Facebook page.

All of the aforementioned is not dead, but appears to be on life support. My main computer for working on Teiwaz is in the shop, for a second time, and I am currently awaiting the diagnosis. I have a backup laptop I can use, but it just feels awkward.

To any family or friends that may still follow me, or to anyone who reads this and is interested in me or my work, I want to thank you so much. Thank you for your patience and your interest and I hope you won't completely give up on me yet, because I haven't given up completely yet. Teiwaz will be completed if I live long enough, the Facebook page will begin to have more updates (maybe - I'm not a fan of Facebook) and hopefully the 11:11 script may be sold soon, we shall see.

Thanks again for reading this, God bless, and we'll post again soon.

-- John

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